Summer smock styled dress with lace neck feature and diamond patchworks in abalone themed colours of fine fabrics.
Summer dress or over-top is light and cool, Lace neckline yoke feature with gatherings of lightweight floaty patchworks under yoke. Back neck button but not needed as dress fits over head. Model is about size 10 to 12 (UK).
Five different patch pieces used when joining the diamonds together in diagonal rows, stitching on the 'straight' (not stretchy) edge of a diamond. Using a strong paper template, place Garment becomes 'cross-grain' with a good hang and flare.
Yoke lace is taken from a blouse, and lined with a fabric which has transparent blue roses (seen in the patches); which holds the entire yoke firm. Same lining fabric is neck edging turnover. Bottom of yoke open to insert patchwork portion; gathered at bust curve-over area. This works well - see model.
Matt blue from blouse is used for decorative 'cover' over front yoke seaming, and as 'flab edging' over bust line. (not shown this photo).
Unique dress Abalone Diamonds Size 36-42 inch bust. Loose fit enables bust fit. Shoulder to front hem 30.5 inches. Hem circumference 80 inches
£140.00. Shop to be integrated 2024: