Asymmetrical Cuts - Two dresses [SOLD] with diagonal cut features which enable panels to be joined at angles to flare the skirt section.

Purple Electric Asymmetrical Dress. (Sold)
Inspiration was two prints; white linen with lilac flowers and white cotton with abstract lilac illustrations.
Coordinating purple salt-splashed dyed silk top forms the soft bodice top. Linen and cotton prints cut into rectangular panels joined to the top silk diagonals front and back. Slashing the purple top diagonally gave a bias edge from which to attach the lower cotton and linen print rectangular sections which form a flare over hips as fabric falls.
The sleeve outline was followed but floral linen sleeves are added to shape contour. Hem is therefore made integrally by this method, as a 'handkerchief' style with angles as a style feature. Purple piped edges holds all the pieces together and purple linen is repeated in hem pieces.
(See Making Gallery bottom post)

Design Construction: Top with added panels
Often there are pretty tops which can have lower panels added to make a dress. Shapes can be cut from tops and dresses, to create the princess front and back points. Fabric from dress, or frills and lace can be added to top 'V' shape edges, with panels sewn behind. Front centre lower panel is ecru linen embroidered. Black and cream print panels. Side panels are hand painted silk with grey rabbit designs. Neck shape was original with top, but a contrast print could be used. [Rabbits dress SOLD]
Mushroom and Black 'V' panelled long dress
Asymmetrical cut bodice top with added linen 2 inch border with black picot seam insert. Skirt section of cream and black print panels, with embroidered linen front piece. Side painted silk panels with rabbits.