Medicine Wheel Silk Painting
MEDICINE WHEEL design on 3 garments
Silk painted: Medicine Wheel Sundress and Medicine Wheel Mini-Kimono
Printed and embroidered: Medicine Wheel print on dress 'Desert Walk' and Dress 'Champagne'

Physical - Emotional - Mental - Spiritual
The four aspects written in my painting's 4 quarters - Native American teacher explains the Four Worlds and the underlying meaning of '4' as a repetitive sacred number theme. There are also four basic elements of earth, air, fire, water. The geometric embroidered sigil symbols are from a website; and represent metaphysical states.
Sundress Making
Sundress is built around the central silk panel, on tailor's dummy. First attach strips to silk painting and band above bust, joined under arms. Side flounces are a useful idea for fuller hips. Attach to side panels. (See pattern shape here)
Back strips are created fitted to back, with flare vents below waist for movement and design interest. Back buttons for a tighter waist fit.
Machine embroidery used on the symbols.
SUNDRESS MEDICINE WHEEL available: £90.00 Direct from maker. (new purchasing coming soon...)
Summer Kimono Jacket in patchwork silks
Medicine Wheel Kimono Making
- Fabrics came from two dresses with interesting border prints: dark brown viscose with large pale green circles, and pale blue and brown silk print with circular border motifs positioned for sleeve edging.
- A blue/gold tartan was chosen as a highlight colour, by using blue/gold patch to top section of collar and lower down.
- Kimono type collar is created by wide double strip sewn to neck and front edgings. Using a seam join at back neck, the best shape can be created to fit neck well, by shaping at an angle on a model or dummy. For a fold-over collar, upper part needs to be wider (shape seam wider), or use back section cut on bias (across the grain, for stretch).
Making - Sleeves
- Sleeves are simply the gaps left at the body fabric rectangle edges, left undone (seen at shoulders on dummy).
- A four-inch strip of the blue/gold tartan was inserted below armhole space for better shaped fit. Strip needs tapering for about 4-6 inches up to sleeve edge opening.
- A bright blue turquoise fabric was chosen for inside the sleeves, as decorative contrast and when sleeves are rolled up.
- Narrow bows were already on the fabric used so was left in situ on the sleeve edge.
- If sleeves are long, then turn-ups are useful using an inside cotton fabric to hold them in place well.
- Design washed out paler than planned after steaming too long, so machine stitching is used to highlight outlines.

Kimono happy
Silk kimono sold to Jacqui when my garments were sold in local organic fabrics shop.
Length appears shorter on a taller woman than when fitted on dummy during making. Photo shows how the loose kimono is suitable over other shirts and T-shirts and so looks good on any size.
The silk painting is on her left side, out of view.
Pocket placed over contrasting brown patched piece is a good distinctive decoration.
(shop owner's photo).
Medicine Wheel on linen and cotton dress Desert Walk (Sold)
This version of 'Medicine Wheel' was the result of test sample prints at the Double Elephant Print workshop for Mac design 'silk screen' printing. I used my photographs of other 'Medicine Wheel' designs, amalgamated, but there was only two 'screens' (polyester printing screens) each, so the result only shows two of the colour areas. However, the abstract quality is interesting. This was a quick way of getting many designs on white, grey, and beige linen and cotton samples. This applied panel has two prints one above the other over a beige finely striped cotton, which aided the textural background. Print ink available was not suitable for silk.
Buyer Story: The craft fair was a washout on a windy and rainy stormy day. Joce turned up late, from far out of town, after many crafters had left due to bad weather. I had stayed until the end and was fortunate Joce liked my unique linen printed dress very much. Its just right for her; the size, style and colour. She was very pleased with her original find on its first display show.
I have several samples remaining of this batch printed 'Medicine Wheel' design on cream and grey, and another dress 'Desert Flare' (not featured). Also seen nicely on white linen in 'Opaline Frolic'.
'Making' images to be uploaded here.
'Medicine Wheel' print on Dress CHAMPAGNE (available)
Dress features two 'Medicine Wheel' prints grey-on-grey either side of front with embroidered central symbols. Existing fitted bodice top was the inspiration, cut from a dress, preserving champagne satin frills. Black and cream fabrics coordinate with the fine cream and black lines in ridged top. Black viscose utilises an existing dress frill for interesting positioning.

Background image is from a range of small murals featuring Peruvian plant spirits painted in the tropical biome of Eden Project, Cornwall. Bromeliad Colita de Gavilan (Billbergia sp.) is depicted as the headdress of the spirit.